Today is Kaelub's birthday and I was able to switch days with one of the hygienists I work with so I could have today off. Kaelub went to Joe's Farm Grill for some old fashioned breakfast and then went hunting. He was happy to get a coyote after only an hour or so. While he was gone the kids and I went to the park. It had rained overnight so the toys were a little wet, but the kids didn't mind. Then we all went to dinner at Kaelub's favorite places: Liberty Market & Joes BBQ. (They both give you $10 to spend on your birthday, so Kaelub was nice enough to share his food with us.) :) He got his food and we went to a park down the street. The kids were spoiled with double park time and Eli didn't want to leave. Thanks for being such a wonderful husband, father, & friend! We love you Kaelub!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Happy Happy Birthday!
Today is Kaelub's birthday and I was able to switch days with one of the hygienists I work with so I could have today off. Kaelub went to Joe's Farm Grill for some old fashioned breakfast and then went hunting. He was happy to get a coyote after only an hour or so. While he was gone the kids and I went to the park. It had rained overnight so the toys were a little wet, but the kids didn't mind. Then we all went to dinner at Kaelub's favorite places: Liberty Market & Joes BBQ. (They both give you $10 to spend on your birthday, so Kaelub was nice enough to share his food with us.) :) He got his food and we went to a park down the street. The kids were spoiled with double park time and Eli didn't want to leave. Thanks for being such a wonderful husband, father, & friend! We love you Kaelub!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Eli loves helping me in the kitchen, both cooking and doing the dishes. As long as he knows where the dishes go and can reach, he will put them away. He's such a great helper! And he knows not to touch knives and be very careful with the breakable dishes. :) Yesterday we had a party for Kaelub since his birthday is on Tuesday. Eli helped me make the cake and frost it. After we mixed up the frosting I let him lick the wisk. He loved that! Ava has taken after her brother when it comes to getting into the cabinets. She loves to climb in them and play. She can now climb onto the couches, and has fun reaching for the light & fan switch on the wall. Her words now include banana (nana), hi, dada, mama, thank you, water, baba, piggy (I won a really soft stuffed pig at my dental convention and she loves it), and Eli (sounds a lot like hi). He hair is still crazy---she won't keep a headband on and always pulls out her tiny ponytail if I can get her to sit still enough to put one in. She climbs up and down the stairs like a pro, loves closing doors and then yelling for us to open them and let her out, loves shoes, and following her brother around. Kaelub's cousin and her husband came to stay with us for the week and the kids loved the extra attention. I didn't even get any pics while they were here, but we loved having them! I have been working of my fun craigslist projects. I'm hoping to finish up a dresser, bench, & table/desk for my sewing machine & craft stuff in the next month before it starts to warm up. I did finish a chair, mirror, pillow, memo board, and a few other craft projects over the past few weeks. I also found a great cabinet (again on craigslist) that just needs new knobs---I'm not a fan of the gold ones. It's fun for me to find something old and scuffed up and turn it into something beautiful again. I think Kaelub just wants his side of the garage back. :)
Did You Know?
I guess it has been a few weeks since I posted something and we haven't really done anything too exciting but have been keeping busy. Kaelub got to spend 5 straight days with the kids a couple weeks ago because I had my AZ Dental Convention. We were both SUPER excited! :) I listened to speakers talk about all the latest news on prescription drugs, street drugs, how kids are using/making their own drugs, baby teeth and how to make coming to the dentist fun for kids, and my favorite class---Nutritional Supplements! Actually, I learned quite a bit and only got bored a couple times. Here are some of the things that I thought the general public/parent would find interesting (not just us crazy dental professionals):
Kids & Prescription Drugs/Street Drugs
*Vicadin is the #1 most abused prescription drug among teens
*Visit for the latest updates on all meds.
*If you have EVER in your life had a joint replacement, you need to take a premed. before getting your teeth cleaned. (
*Inhalant drug use peaks in the 8th grade---usually use items like paint, markers, white out, computer keyboard cleaners, etc. The speaker told us about "whip-its", which kids get from Starbucks. They are a small metal attachment that go on their cans of whipped cream they use and contain nitrous oxide. Kids just ask for them and most of the time emplyees just give them this. Our speaker said he even went in to one Starbucks to try it and he had no problem getting one, no cost.
*"Pharm Parties"/"Pharming": Teens get prescription drugs from parents med cabinets or on the internet, and have parties where they put all the drugs in a bowl and everyone reaches in and takes a handful. Causing more drug overdose deaths now than cocaine & heroine combined!
* for more info on kids abusing over the counter drugs
Baby Teeth
*Don't share utensils/food with your baby unless you have good teeth/no cavities. :) You pass on the bacteria in your saliva to your baby, and if you are prone to getting a lot of cavities even though you brush and floss, you probably don't want your child to be blessed with the same problem.
*Most kids lose their first teeth at age 6-7 1/2
*Don't use words like shots, hurt, pain, etc. when talking to your child about us.
Dietary Supplements
*We should be getting 7-9 servings of fruits/veggies per day.
*90% of women don't get enough folate/folic acid. (Especially important if you are pregnant.)
*If you take Metformin for Diabetes: chronic use can result in a Vit. B12 deficiency which can lead to more advanced neuropathy.
*Many cardiovascular meds, cholesterol lowering drugs, diuretics, & GERD/ulcer meds interfere with the uptake of certain vitamins/minerals. Check to your Dr.
*Vitamin A: If you take more than 5,000 IU/day, it can cause brittle bones.
*You should get 10-15 min of sun exposure per day, 3 times a week, without sunscreen to get Vit. D.
**This is the handout the speaker gave to us with a complete list of guidelines on what amount of each vitamin you should be taking for your gender, age, and health issues. Check it out---it's very informative!
Kids & Prescription Drugs/Street Drugs
*Vicadin is the #1 most abused prescription drug among teens
*Visit for the latest updates on all meds.
*If you have EVER in your life had a joint replacement, you need to take a premed. before getting your teeth cleaned. (
*Inhalant drug use peaks in the 8th grade---usually use items like paint, markers, white out, computer keyboard cleaners, etc. The speaker told us about "whip-its", which kids get from Starbucks. They are a small metal attachment that go on their cans of whipped cream they use and contain nitrous oxide. Kids just ask for them and most of the time emplyees just give them this. Our speaker said he even went in to one Starbucks to try it and he had no problem getting one, no cost.
*"Pharm Parties"/"Pharming": Teens get prescription drugs from parents med cabinets or on the internet, and have parties where they put all the drugs in a bowl and everyone reaches in and takes a handful. Causing more drug overdose deaths now than cocaine & heroine combined!
* for more info on kids abusing over the counter drugs
Baby Teeth
*Don't share utensils/food with your baby unless you have good teeth/no cavities. :) You pass on the bacteria in your saliva to your baby, and if you are prone to getting a lot of cavities even though you brush and floss, you probably don't want your child to be blessed with the same problem.
*Most kids lose their first teeth at age 6-7 1/2
*Don't use words like shots, hurt, pain, etc. when talking to your child about us.
Dietary Supplements
*We should be getting 7-9 servings of fruits/veggies per day.
*90% of women don't get enough folate/folic acid. (Especially important if you are pregnant.)
*If you take Metformin for Diabetes: chronic use can result in a Vit. B12 deficiency which can lead to more advanced neuropathy.
*Many cardiovascular meds, cholesterol lowering drugs, diuretics, & GERD/ulcer meds interfere with the uptake of certain vitamins/minerals. Check to your Dr.
*Vitamin A: If you take more than 5,000 IU/day, it can cause brittle bones.
*You should get 10-15 min of sun exposure per day, 3 times a week, without sunscreen to get Vit. D.
**This is the handout the speaker gave to us with a complete list of guidelines on what amount of each vitamin you should be taking for your gender, age, and health issues. Check it out---it's very informative!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Kaelub's Hunting Competition
Kaelub and his hunting buddy entered a predator hunting competition a couple weeks ago. He was really excited and they ended up winning first place and the "big dog" award. This was his first bobcat and it was about as tall as me! He also got a bobcat on the second day. Even though I don't get into his hunting much, I can't complain when he wins prize money and can sell the bobcat fur. Plus he had such a good time.
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