Thursday, May 10, 2012

Preschool Mother's Day Program

Today Eli had his Mother's Day Program at preschool. When I got there, his teacher had portraits of the mother's that each child had drawn. She wanted us to guess which one we thought our child drew. I was so proud to have picked the one Eli drew of me! I love how he drew my wavy hair. On the back were questions she had asked the kids and their reply. It was so funny to read! Here are Eli's responses: 1. My mommy's hair looks the best when... It's pretty & curly 2. My mommy likes me to call her.... Something tricky 3. My mommy is as old as... Well not very, 'cause she's having a baby 4. My mommy always says please... Clean up 5. My mommy looks the prettiest when... She gets a Sunday dress 6. I make my mommy laugh when I... Tickle her 7. My mommy likes to eat... Hot dogs (I think he was thinking of himself on this one!) 8. My mommy is the best at playing... Games, like chase on a walk to the park by me 9. My mommy works the hardest when she... Fixes peoples' mouths 10. My mommy likes to use her money to buy... Bags I love how much Eli has grown this last year as he has been in preschool. He writes his own name, counts to 25 or 30, can sing so many songs by himself, will talk your ear off if he's in the mood, and is not quite as shy getting up in front of people. They sang us a couple cute songs and he was trying not to smile the whole time. Probably because I had the camera out! His friend Brody sat next to him and they were so cute bringing us our gift & treat.

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