Monday, June 4, 2012

Miss Ava Lately

I am so excited to say that Ava has been potty trained now for about a month! She pretty much did it herself. After taking off her diaper a few too many times, I decided I better just tackle it. After the difficult experience of training Eli, I was not looking forward to it. But she was so much easier! And only a few accidents. It will be so nice to have just the baby in diapers. The other day I heard her counting when she was playing hide and seek with Eli. I was so surprised to hear her count to 10! Having an older brother sure helps. Especially when she wants to do everything he is doing! Ava loves to sing and her favorite songs are I Am a Child of God, Popcorn Popping, & Once there Was a Snowman. She knows most of the words and loves to belt them out. Especially at nap and bed times. She calls herself "daddy's buddy" and loves to play in the splash park or pool. I worry because she has no fear in the water! Ava also loves her friends Aubrey & Brookie and asks every day to go to their house. She still is a great eater, and much less picky than Eli. I love how she is such a girl, but don't love those girl tantrums she throws over the smallest things. So emotional! She lets me do her hair, which is finally growing back since Eli go ahold of the scissors and cut it back in January. I can almost put it in pigtails again! We were able to go on a family vacation to San Diego last weekend and since my computer isn't working, I haven't been able to download the pictures I took. But she was so excited at Sea World, especially on the Sesamie Street rides! And she could have played in the sand on the beach all day. Today Kelsey tested her new backdrops on Ava so I'm using the picture she posted on facebook. Sure love this girl!

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