Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Goodbye Appendix

We've had way too much excitement lately! Ty turned 1 month old on October 10th. It started out like any other day. I took the kids to the park for a play date with friends. We headed home around 11 am and as I pushed the stroller I had sharp pain in my right side and couldn't stand up straight. I had noticed the same pain randomly the previous few days, but it would come and go. Usually it only happened when I would stand up or bump my side against something. I even mentioned it to my friends at the park. I put Ava down for her nap and called my doctor to see if I should come in. I had to leave a message for the nurse because she was at lunch, and by the time I finally got in touch with her, I had a temperature of 100.8. I also had not been able to eat anything since lunch time the previous day. I had no appetite and felt nauseous when I even looked at food. The nurse told me to monitor my temp and if it or the pain got worse to go to the emergency room. Luckily I had a wonderful friend call to check on me and offer to take the kids if I needed to go in. So about 4:00 I dropped them off and took Ty with me to the ER. Kaelub met me there just before they took me back. After blood tests & a CAT scan, they told me I needed my appendix out. I had surgery about 9:00 that night, spent Thursday in the hospital, and came home Friday. My saint of a mom flew down Friday morning to help me since I can't drive for a week and can't lift anything over 10 lbs for 2 weeks. Although the dr did say I can lift Ty, and I'm pretty sure he is over 10 lbs now. I am so grateful for good friends who have watched my kids, visited me with yummy pie, and offered to help. My mom probably feels like she has moved here between coming for the baby and now this! I'm sure glad she has been able to come. I don't know what we would do without her. :)


Megan and Shawn said...

Bummer! I'm glad they figured it out so quickly. Hope you guys are doing well. Ty is such a cute boy.

Nick and Brent said...

Wow, that's a big surgery after having a baby! So great your mom can be there to help you!