Monday, February 22, 2010

Feeding the Ducks

Last week was so nice that we decided to go to the park with some friends. I knew Eli would love it because it had 2 of his favorite things: Ducks & toys to play on. The kids really liked feeding the bread to the ducks, and the girls especially liked eating the bread instead of throwing it out. They played on the toys for awhile and we ate some lunch. While eating lunch Eli decided to go feed the ducks some of his bread. He walked over to the dock and was just laughing away by himself. What a funny boy. Kelsey took a few pics while we were there--one of these days I'll get one of her. :) Thanks Jessica, Kambry, Kelsey, & Brookie for the fun day!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Haha, you won't be able to get me!! But I love all the ones I got of you guys though, and the kiddies! We will definitely have to go again soon, just need to bring a whole loaf of bread for both the kids and the ducks!